News and info for professional to beginner vocalists!
2020 Provincials (Ontario students)
Wednesday, April 15, 2020 by Bracken Burns | Festivals
The 2020 Provincials will be a virtual competition for 2020. This means that all entries will be by recorded submission via YouTube. I will work with you to sign up just let me know you're interested! In the meantime, check out the SYLLABUS section of their website and you will be able to access all of the general rules and regulations as well as the specific requirements. You can choose VOICE or MUSICAL THEATRE.Apart from the virtual submissions there are a couple of other exciting changes for this year’s festival:
They are offering classes for competitors ages 6 to 28 in Musical Theatre, Piano Concerto, Speech Arts and Percussion
- The 2020 Provincials are open to ANYONE who would like to enter. A recommendation from your local festival is not required. ** this is huge!**
LIVE SHOW - Spring Concert
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 by Bracken Burns | Performance Opportunities
We are going online!!!! Our concert will be on MAY 2 at 6:00. Active students will receive a private email with the link details. From there, you can send this link on to any family or friends who you'd like to invite. The concert will run approx. 30-40 mins.
Mic/Video Check and Warm Ups are at 5:40PM
Things to think about when performing ONLINE.
1) Check your video angles beforehand! There's nothing worse than a frame of ceiling and then a tiny little pea head at the bottom. Haha. Or maybe a headless guy singing... Make sure we can see that MAGIC in your eyes!!
2) Sound quality. You will need a second device to play your music through. I have tried using audio direct from computer however, it can drown the voice and we don't want that! We need to hear you! Make sure that device is at least equal distance away from your mic as you are. Again, check this levels beforehand!
3) Self accompanying. This is fantastic and I am a huge advocate for learning an instrument. Again, you will need to check these levels and be mindful of drowning out your voice.
4) Family watching. Make sure your family are in a different room or part of the house. They will get a better angle and you won't be distracted. All you need to do is send the link to anyone who you'd like to invite! :)
5) Dress up! Give your audience a proper show, what ever that means for you. Even though you might be in the corner of your bedroom, to us you are on stage, we are watching your art and the entirety of the performance(that includes outfit!). Give it all you've got and if you're anything like me.. look like a star, feel like a star.
Happy practising!!
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 by Bracken Burns | Performance Opportunities
We are all trapped inside and yes, that's killing a part of me slowly but it is also creating some incredible opportunities and leading to a bunch of at home creation and practise. I think we will have some new vocal olympians on the other side of this!!
It's exactly how it sounds. We learn the parts together during your lesson or a group masterclass, record your own video at home, then Blahzay Creative will edit like crazy and on to the stage it goes. Our first song is going to be "CHANGES" by David Bowie.